Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Starting Over

And it begins... The second life, a new beginning. Today is the first day of the rest of my life! Starting over...

Today I am a widower with three young children. Yesterday was pre-October 17th, 5:30am. Yesterday I was married to my soul-mate, a bright, beautiful, young, energetic woman name Lisa.
Yesterday I was married to the perfect mother to my three perfect children.
Yesterday we were five,
Today we are:
Five Minus One


  1. Jay,
    I applaud your sharing this with your friends and hope you know that we are all with you in this journey. Thanks for inviting us to be part of it. I have no idea how it feels to be doing what you are doing.

    Sam Elliston

  2. Jay I think this is a great idea! It will help with the heartache your all still going through! You're a great father can't wait to see how this works!
