Saturday, February 6, 2010

Leave Of Absence

A week ago today, I met with my boss and decided that I would take a leave of absence from work and I also decided to step down from my management position at Lifetouch.  I'm going back to an hourly wage, which will include taking reduced hours at some times of the year and potential lay-offs at other times too.   I made the decision because I felt that I needed to "focus" more of my time on the kids, and less of it at work; away from the kids.  I want to take the time to figure out how I'm going to structure my days so that I can maximize the benefit I can get out of each day and begin to depend less on the outside help that I'm receiving from family.

The last three weeks have become more difficult than any since Lisa's death.   Everything has seemed to come crashing down on me and every task has become more difficult to complete (and sometimes nearly impossible to start).   I recently added to the medicine that I have been taking since my depression started 7 or 8 years ago, but it doesn't seem to have made a difference yet.  The medication that we added is supposed to give me a little more motivation and help to sharpen my thinking processes at the same time.   I'm really hoping that it will kick in soon!

This Sunday and for the two following Sundays I will be photographing the members of my church for an electronic database that allows for the photographs to be included with the members' information.  I'm really looking forward to meeting more members of the church by volunteering in this way.  Everyone at New Thought Unity has been spectacular so I'm excited that I can do something to give back.   After 20 years of photographing portraits I'm confident that I'll do just fine, but for some reason I still feel a little nervous inside.

It's late so I'm going to sign off and go to bed, I'm sorry if this post hasn't been too exciting.

Take care of yourself and others!


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