Tuesday, December 29, 2009


If there is one thing that defines the Brune family this season, it is Grateful! It's a strange place to be after losing Lisa, our wife and mother, but if there is something positive to take away from all of this pain, it is the recognition that we are much more loved than we ever recognized before October 17th.

Do you know that place in our hearts that stores the love we give and the love we receive from others? That's the place in my family's hearts that felt a whole lot more empty for a little while after the 17th. But we found out that it could be refilled with the love we received from all of you! So many expressions of love have been given to us in the past few weeks that we were overwhelmed! Hugs, gifts of food, candy, memory bears made from Lisa's clothing, books custom made with Lisa's photos, recordings and videos with Lisa's voice, watching the kids while I worked, donations to the kids' education fund, lunches out to laugh and talk, and more hugs, loooong, strong hugs, thank you for all of your wonderful expressions of love! Thank you for being in our lives and for letting us be a part of your life! You honor us with that gift! We cannot thank each of you enough!

I pray that in this coming new year and for the rest of your life, that God richly blesses each of you with all of the joy, love and zest for life that he/she is and that each of you are as well! I sincerely hope that we stay connected!

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